The Cheat and The Sneak Dig the Interweb

2 cats go on an unamusing adventure for the benefit of themselves.

Friday, September 22, 2006

holy nuts! what happened to us?
all kinds of crazy motherfucking shit has happened to us, while i, the cheat, managed to stay calm the entire time. goddamn it is so hard to be as beautiful as i am especially when being put through all of these cat-trials and cat-tribulations. but now i am in this new place with HEATED MOTHERFUCKING FLOORS. sorry about all the profanity, the cats at shadowlands were some dark motherfuckers and you had to keep up if you wanted to keep your nuts. well, your metaphorical nuts. since i don't have any. anyway, this place is big, and awesome, and even thought it's populated by people who either abandoned me or tried to molest me while i was living in achewood (i still see the claw scars on his arm though), i can't ask for anything more.

hello, what's this? an open window?....