The Cheat and The Sneak Dig the Interweb

2 cats go on an unamusing adventure for the benefit of themselves.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

I was waiting to write an entry here until I had a better camera available than my phone's camera, but it's not gonna happen. So no pictures this time! Only stories!

The Cheat was rolling around on his back a lot last night in our living room. The Sneak was in our living room too, but more rubbing up against the wall and trying to decide if she should hide or not. We were like a family! A very Brady moment. I think that's the most social I've seen the cats so far. Maybe they were lured out by my tofu stir-fry (did it remind them of Kris?)

Also, we locked The Cheat out of my bedroom for a few minutes and he got really desperate. My down comforter and bay window are like cat-crack to him. It sounded like he had lept half-way up the door and was slowly sliding/scrabbling down it.

My mom got really worried about the cats going outside when I talked to her on the phone. She thinks they should NEVER be let out, since it's a neighborhood they don't know. I place a lot more confidence in technology than her and say it'll be ok because of their transponder thingies. What say you, Ardents?

I think my most favorite cat moment so far was when I was lying down on my side reading, at the cats' level, and The Sneak started nosing about my forehead. I felt like she thought I was another cat or something. Changing perspective from above to same-level is a significant experience.

p.s. These cats aren't Irish enough for me. I was eating delicious corned beef on St. Patties day, while they were in my bed with me, and neither of them even TRIED to get some.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

hey the sneak? you've been under the bed for like twenty-six hours now. isn't that eye-wateringly boring?

sh-sh-sh-SHOOOOOOSH the cheat! th-they might FIND me!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Hi hi hi. I'm looking pretty svelt so I figured I'd send you a couple pictures. If I had any ability at all to form long-term memories I'd be missing you a lot right now. Fortunately I, uh, what was I just talking about? There's this really cool looking bug on the floor. I wanna eat it. Oh yeah, this chick you left us with started crying when I came into her bed to say hi. What is the deal man?

Sh-sh-sh-shut it The Cheat. My turn to talk. I-I-I'm not very good at this but I wanted to say hi. Also, I'm feeling a little better today. I ate some food and then hung out with The Cheat and the girl on her much-too-high-bed last night. She was typing on this computer and when she saw me she got all mushy and her eyes got wet so I gave her my paw. Maybe it worked? Ok, bye, time to go under the bed again!

Alright cats, enough, you're breaking my keyboard. Anyway, here are your promised pictures!